Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Runaways - Anberlin

The Runaways-Anberlin

Come closer now
I know your desire is to be desired
Steal a kiss yet call us friends
Distance is the thief in which you conspire

Turn and time and time will tell
Time will tell or tear us apart
You're miles and miles and miles away
Silence reveals where you really are

You only stand to break my heart
I can tell it by the way you runaway,
Runaway girl
You only stand to break my heart
I can tell it by the way you runaway,
Runaway girl
Runaway, runaway girl

It's clearer now
You're nowhere into giving
Giving into, giving into me
It's your fault
You're like a rare disease
I know you're in love
With love I believe

Turn and time and time will tell
Time will tell or tear us apart
You're miles and miles and miles away
Silence reveals where we really are

You only stand to break my heart
I can tell it by the way you runaway,
Runaway girl
You only stand to break my heart
I can tell it by the way you runaway,
Runaway girl
Runaway, runaway girl

Do you expect me to wait here?
(All alone in my thoughts and fears)
My whole life could crash before your eyes
(Hope one day that you realize)
This isn't the way it's supposed to be
(This is who I crown, now without me)
Your regrets from us built up inside
(Great space for you, love buried alive)
Buried alive

You only stand to break my heart
I can tell it by the way you runaway,
Runaway girl
You only stand to break my heart
I can tell it by the way you runaway,
Runaway girl
Runaway, runaway girl

I only stand to break your heart
You can tell it by the way I walk away,
Runaway girl
I only stand to break your heart
You can tell it by the way I run away,
Runaway girl

Play-a-day (Day 1)

Lights up on a bedroom where a teenage boy and teenage girl are sitting on the floor looking through old picture albums. They are sitting closer than normal friends would. But there is an awkwardness to both of them. They continue flipping through the pages until the boy accidentally brushes her in the arm while turning a page. She then looks at him and jokingly.

What was that for? [
Smiling at him] You got a problem huh?

Jokingly back at her] What if I do? Whatcha gonna do about it?

How about this?

She nudges back into him enough to make his head turn a bit then as he turns back to look at her she leans in and kisses him. All is then silent except for the flipping of pages through the album by the girl. The boy more or less stares at the girl with his mouth hanging open with a look of wondrous shock on his face.

Oh look at this picture [
She laughs] she looks absolutely ridiculous with that hat on.

Only slightly snapping out of it] Oh huh? oh yeah I know [Looking back to the album but still with a look of wonder on his face]

Looking out the window] Oh no. What time is it? It looks like it's getting late.

Looking at his watch] It's almost eight.

I should probably get home then.

With slight disappointment] Oh alright.

Well I had a really good time hanging out with you today.

Me too. We should do this again.

Collecting her stuff] I like that idea. [Heading towards the door] Well I should get going now.

Hey uhmm, Could I walk you home?

No it's ok you really don't need to

It's really no problem, I mean it's an excuse for me to get out of my house.

Well alright.

They both exit and lights fade
Lights up on a dark stage. The boy and girl are lying on the middle of that stage staring up at the stars. They lie close together with his arm around her and her arm on his chest. All is silent for a few moments.

[Quickly pointing to the sky] Look a shooting star! Make a wish.

She reaches her hand to touch his and they both close their eyes

Did you make a wish?

Yeah, I did.

What was it?

If I tell you it won't come true and this isn't something I don't want to come true.

[Turns her head to look at the boy] I promise I won't tell

[Loooking towards her, considering this for a moment] I wished you wouldn't have to move away.

[trying to find the words] Look, I've been trying to tell you something these past couple days...


[Moving away from her a little bit] What is it?

[Sitting up] We can't keep doing this.

[Now sitting up as well] Doing what?

This. Us. This being together.

[Trying to dodge a bullet] Well good thing we arn't together then.

You know what I mean.

So this is it? Why?

I'm sorry
Girl gets up and quickly kisses him on the cheek and walks offstage. Boy begins to follow but then stops and lights fade.

1 comment:

gmihalik said...

Nice piece - very raw and emotional. I liked the flipping of the pages through the silence.