Gira Con Me Questa Notte - Josh Groban
Il mondo gira con me questa notte
Piccoli passi che faccio con te
Seguo il tuo cuore e seguo la luna
Cosi’ nascosta lontana da me
Il mondo gira con noi questa notte
Ah esistesse lontano da qui
Un posto dove scoprire il mio cuore
Sapere se lui puo’ amare o no
E girera e girera il cuore mio assieme a te
E girera il mondo girera
La mia vita e un giorno lui si s capira
Sei tu che giri con me questa notte
Sei tu che giri lontana da qui
Ma si io so che tu sei la mia luna
qualcosa mostri qualcosa no
Ci sono strade azzurre nel cielo
Ci sono occhi e il cielo e gia li
Si questo credo che siano le stelle
Ah se potessi fermarmi cosi
E girera e girera il cuore mio lontan da te
E girera il mondo girera
Questa notte e un giorno lui si s capira
Cuore e gia lontano
Si tu sei la luna
Potessi scoprirlo nel cielo
E girera e girera si girera il cuore mio
Girera il mondo girera la mia vita
Un giorno lui si si capira
Un giorno lui si si capira
Play-A-Day (Day 6)
Lights up on what is suppose to be a rooftop where a young boy and girl are lying. It is dark out and as little light as needed should be on them. They are staring at the stars.
[Leaning over the the girl her whispers something into her ear] Do you know what that means?
[Repeating it outloud] "Il mondo gira con noi questa notte" Something about the world wondering with us?
The world wanders with us tonight. I mean look at this. Look at where we are. Look into the stars. Look at where we're going with our lives. It's all one great big unknown. This world is as lost as we are.
Well we all have some idea where we are going. I mean at least an idea. You told me the other day you wanted to join the peace corps someday. So you have some idea.
An idea of what I want. Not of what will happen. What happens if getting off this roof right here i trip and fall and end up in a wheel chair for the rest of my life? Don't know how possible the peace corps will be then.
Well I guess you're right. But why would you want to think that way? Always being unsure always not knowing. Never having any real control?
I have no idea.
What do you mean you have no idea?
I have no idea why i would think that way or why I do think that way. I just do. I mean i think we have some control but it's impossible to have total control because we all have free will.
Well let's take control of right now. That is something we can do is it not?
We just might be able to [Turning and smiling at her]
Now it's my turn "Ah esistesse lontano da qui. Un posto dove scoprire il mio cuore"
May I discover it with you?
I dunno? You think we have enough control to discover something like that?
I guess we'll just have to find out. But I don't think it's as far away as you think.
Lights fade
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