Monday, May 11, 2009

Scrubs season 7 episode 1

A single light is up on the center of the stage where a full length mirror is standing facing so that the audience can see it when an actor looks into it. Next to the mirror within the light is a chair and next to that stands a young man and woman. They breifly kiss as lights go up and the woman exits offstage. The man stands with a smile on his face. The further the woman is from the man the less of a smile the man shows until she is gone as is the smile. The man looks around before settling into the chair and stares into the mirror. He stares for a while examining himself and then runs his hands through his hair in a sense of frustration.

We stand here together every morning and we tell each other we love each other. Every morning it becomes harder for me to hear. I can barely even make it out anymore. It's like when the morning winds have just begun to flow only instead of the morning, knowing they will strengthen, it's the height of the day. I stand there look into her eyes and all that remains within is this feeling of apathy. All that this is is an obligation. It's something you have to take on when you've made a commitment to a mistake. Neither of us ever meant for something that careless to happen it was just a mistake we're both now having to deal with. Well more me deal because all that remains is a lingering hope I can just be in love with her. I might stop even short of love as long as it meant a happiness. This routine is heartbreaking to know that this rouge I've built for her and our daughter is nothing but an empty shell of lies. There's nothing left but to continue to act out the life I've molded from clay as black as night. It is my obligation to be the man I have displayed myself as being. But with the wind dying down the horizons' appeal becomes so much more. But what right have I to destroy a life for the sake of my own, little less two lives. I don't even recognize you anymore. Once so strong and hopeful now a mere shell filled with the lies you'd for so long given.

Stands up and moves away from the mirror

For the sake of my memory I can no longer look at you lest my disgust deepen. Farewell

He exits and walks offstage. The mirror still holds his image cheerful and strong as the lights fade.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

We Are All In This Together - Ben Lee

We Are All In This Together - Ben Lee

Woke up this morning
I suddenly realized
We're all in this together
I started smiling
Cos you were smiling
And were all in this together
I'm made of atoms
You're made of atoms
And were all in this together
And long division
Just doesn't matter
Cos were all in this together
I saw you walkingIn the city
We're all in this together
The city's changing
Cos we are changing
And were all in this together
Every twelve seconds
Someone remembers
That were all in this together
In the kitchen
Of your rent-control apartment
We're all in this together
C'mon baby
I dont mean to rush you
I only wanted to reach out and touch you
I've gotta start to open my heart
I know you think
About jumping ship before it sinks
But were all in this together
Ask a scientistIt's quantum physics
We're all in this together
And on the subway
We feel like strangers
But were all in this together
Yeah I love you and you love her
And she loves him
But were all in this together
Y'know baby
There's never been protection
In all the history of human connection
C'mon darling
It's alright to show me
You don't ever need to be lonely
Once you start to open your heart
I saw you crying
I started crying
Cos were all in this together
And then religion
It's a big decision
But were all in this together
We're all in this together

On stage are a dozen men. Each man is armed in medieval arms and are wondering about. Offstage at the beginning there is a great clamor heard then it is earily silent after a scream. After the scream the men onstage are deathly silent. Then large foot steps can be heard approaching from offstage and stop just short of the stage and a pounding at a great wooden door can be heard. The pounding then get louder and louder until it finally stops. Sobbing can be heard from one of the men on stage. One of the other men moves to him with difficulty and comforts him softly. Finally after a few moment of near silence one of the men (an older looking man grizzled from years of war with a ragged but noble voice) lights a torch and stands upon whatever it is he can find)

[Holding the torch to illuminate all the men; they all look frightened and weary] My fellow man. Keep your wits about you! Do you hear me? Keep your honor and dignity about you. We are each here beside you. All of us, side by side. We are all in this together. Now stand together! Hold strong and draw your arms. Let us weather this battle together whether it be in victory we emerge, or the bitter hand of defeat pulls us below. [The pounding begins again] Here that! The beast draws nearer its entrance. Pitty not those lost before now. They gave their lives so you might have this moment to bring hell upon this wretched creature! Let their sacrifice not have been in vain! Now i say once draw your arms! Raise your pride high! This battle shall be for those before us and shall forever be remembered by those who follow after us! [A cracking in the door is heard] The beast wishes to quicken its demise does it! Well i say let it come and meet the hell which it had escaped from. [Offstage the door burst open and its shattered can be heard. A great gust of wind enters the room extinguishing the torch and the men are left in the dark and a roar is heard offstage where their is a glimmer of light that flickers] Onward towards the light and our hope! bring with you your greatest hearts! Know you fight for one another and this beast shall kneel before us in mercy! Now to battle!!!!

The men can be heard charging offstage and as they disappear the light offstage slowly gets dimmer and the noise slowly gets lower until one final roar and cry by the men is heard then all is silent.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

So Long Astoria - The Ataris

So Long Astoria - The Ataris

Lights up on a winter street. The entire street is lit but dully. On the side of the street is a young man in his early 20's/late teens. His is carrying over his shoulder a duffle bag that has been completely filled and stuffed. He stands staring at the ground which is covered in snow with a small puddle in front of him. he stares into it.

Young Man
You'd thought you'd gone so far.

From one side of the stage a small boy riding his bike in summer clothes rides down the road struggling with the bike as if he is riding it for the first time without training wheels. When he passes the young man he turns and looks at him and flashes a small smile then continues his way across the stage and exits.

You thought you'd never return here.

A boy about 5 years older than the last one enters from the same side as the other one did. He is kicking a pebble across the stage and looking at the ground around him with spite and disdain. He exits the stage at the same side as the last boy.

You thought this would end like a fairy tale

A young man only three to four years younger than the first young man enters from offstage in the same location as the others. Walking side by side with him is a young girl roughly the same age as the young man. They walk across the stage hand in hand and as they cross the young man his younger image then flashes him a sympathetic look before returning to walking across the stage. They exit offstage.

You knew all along fairy tales never has happy endings.

He then takes to the same path as the rest and exits offstage. Lights fade

Monday, December 15, 2008

7 Things - Miley Cyrus

7 Things - Miley Cyrus

Lights up on a highschool hallway. There are students scurrying from one side to the other side of the stage off and on stage. After a few moments two girls enter from offstage they are vigurously talking about something that can't be heard in the audience yet. As they approach one of the girls lockers their conversation can be heard.

Girl 1
I don't beleive you at all.

Girl 2
And why not!?

Girl 1
Uhmm let's see maybe because i catch you staring at him everyday in Lab Bio

Girl 2
It's more like glaring

Girl 1
Ok then. Name 7 things you don't like about him


Girl 2

[As she begins to list the things a rather good looking guy walks towards the locker next to her and she ends up staring at him while she lists the thing]

Let's see. How about how friggin vain he is!

[The guy looks into a mirror in his locker]

How he plays those stupid games with people, his insecurity with not being the prettiest person in the school [He looks again in the mirrow fixing his hair] There's that stupid girl he's dating

[A highschool girl walks over to him and they quickly kiss then she walks offstage.] Then there's how he makes me laugh at all his stupid jokes and when i can't talk to him anymore i want to cry [A little emotional at this point] and then whenever he sees me he always says jokingly.

[To girl 2] I love you

He then walks offstage. Lights fade

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sic Transit Gloria - Brand New

Sic Transit Gloria - Brand New

Lights up on a small room with a bed in the middle of it. There is a small nightstand next to the bed with a lamp on top of it with the light on. Lights on the stage are low just enough to illuminate the set. Splashing is then heard from offstage shortly there after a male and a females voice are heard. Then the noise gets louder as a young woman and young man enter from offstage. They are both in their late teens and as they move across the stage they are kissing and groping each other. They are both in just swimwear. They then make their way to the bed and she then pushes him down on the bed in a rather forceful manner.

Let's see what you've got sexy

Hey, Don't you think maybe we should take this slower?

Why miss out on having fun tonight [Crawling on top of the guy]

[Pushing her to the side a bit] No i'm serious let's just take this slow.

Would you just shut up and take you pants off!


The girl then grabs the guy by the face and begins to makeout with him. He guy then pulls away.


[Getting up] Fine, screw you!

Lights fade as she exits.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Violet Hill - Coldplay

Lights up on a porch patio where an old man is sitting. He is sipping hot chocolate and rocking in a rocking chair. Small flakes of snow begin to fall.

Welcome back old friend. It's been quite a while hasn't it? Yes, yes it has. Like yesterday. I can see it like yesterday. Oh yes it was much fiercer than this. But then again most life was far fiercer then than now. Especially in a time of war. Oh yes the wind. How it slashed across our faces. The roaring sound then dulled by the treads of the tanks rolling by. The crashes and bangs of all the bombings. They still ring in my ears. The cold stare you showed me. Eyes wide open yet lifeless. The snow began to fall then. Slowly at first but then how it came. I remained there by you don't you remember. No probably not. The snow had blanketed your eyes by them. The cold had taken you.

The old man stands and walks into the snow.

But i know you're still there. In every flake that falls, I see you my old friend.

Lights fade

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Demons - Guster

Demons - Guster

Play-A-Day (Day??)

Lights up on a small park bench with room for two. On the bench sits a man in a trench coat. He has a fully rimmed hat on that is low enough to cover almost all of his face. His hands are clasped together in his lap as if he were deep in thought. The lighting on the stage is dim and there is an ominous feeling to the stage. A small gust of fog then rolls forth causing the man to perk his head slightly in on different though his face is still not visible. Then after a moment he returns his head to its original position. A short while later a middle aged man enters from offstage. He appears by all norms completely normal. As he walks by the man on the bench a red light appears over him and the man on the bench instantly picks his face up and looks coldly at the man who has now frozen. The mans face is cold pale and empty his eyes are red and staring directly as if into the other mans soul. He then stands and moves behind the middle aged man who is nervous and frightened. The man then places his hand on the back of the middle aged mans neck and lifts him off the ground.

Middle aged man
What!? What are you doing?!

You what you were on your way to do.

He then throws him to the ground dead. All lights fade but the red one which slowly fades on its own