Thursday, February 5, 2009

So Long Astoria - The Ataris

So Long Astoria - The Ataris

Lights up on a winter street. The entire street is lit but dully. On the side of the street is a young man in his early 20's/late teens. His is carrying over his shoulder a duffle bag that has been completely filled and stuffed. He stands staring at the ground which is covered in snow with a small puddle in front of him. he stares into it.

Young Man
You'd thought you'd gone so far.

From one side of the stage a small boy riding his bike in summer clothes rides down the road struggling with the bike as if he is riding it for the first time without training wheels. When he passes the young man he turns and looks at him and flashes a small smile then continues his way across the stage and exits.

You thought you'd never return here.

A boy about 5 years older than the last one enters from the same side as the other one did. He is kicking a pebble across the stage and looking at the ground around him with spite and disdain. He exits the stage at the same side as the last boy.

You thought this would end like a fairy tale

A young man only three to four years younger than the first young man enters from offstage in the same location as the others. Walking side by side with him is a young girl roughly the same age as the young man. They walk across the stage hand in hand and as they cross the young man his younger image then flashes him a sympathetic look before returning to walking across the stage. They exit offstage.

You knew all along fairy tales never has happy endings.

He then takes to the same path as the rest and exits offstage. Lights fade

1 comment:

gmihalik said...

Good to see you writing again - remember to submit a 10 minute play by Monday! I like the incorporation of the lyrics into the text of the play. -M