Monday, December 15, 2008

7 Things - Miley Cyrus

7 Things - Miley Cyrus

Lights up on a highschool hallway. There are students scurrying from one side to the other side of the stage off and on stage. After a few moments two girls enter from offstage they are vigurously talking about something that can't be heard in the audience yet. As they approach one of the girls lockers their conversation can be heard.

Girl 1
I don't beleive you at all.

Girl 2
And why not!?

Girl 1
Uhmm let's see maybe because i catch you staring at him everyday in Lab Bio

Girl 2
It's more like glaring

Girl 1
Ok then. Name 7 things you don't like about him


Girl 2

[As she begins to list the things a rather good looking guy walks towards the locker next to her and she ends up staring at him while she lists the thing]

Let's see. How about how friggin vain he is!

[The guy looks into a mirror in his locker]

How he plays those stupid games with people, his insecurity with not being the prettiest person in the school [He looks again in the mirrow fixing his hair] There's that stupid girl he's dating

[A highschool girl walks over to him and they quickly kiss then she walks offstage.] Then there's how he makes me laugh at all his stupid jokes and when i can't talk to him anymore i want to cry [A little emotional at this point] and then whenever he sees me he always says jokingly.

[To girl 2] I love you

He then walks offstage. Lights fade

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